Dedicated collection campaign at METALLART: bandages for Ukraine


The company collected a large number of first-aid kits for an aid transport to the Ukrainian border.

Commitment to a good cause

When our fleet manager Martin recently saw the terrible news from Ukraine on the news, it was clear to him: we have to help!
A regional aid campaign was quickly found via a friend at the German Red Cross. The forwarding company Raff from Weilheim keeps organizing transports of relief supplies to the Ukrainian border. Due to the dramatic situation in the war zone, bandages are also among the urgently needed supplies. The suggestion to collect the bandages available at METALLART for the aid transport was met with an open ear by the management.

Extensive collection campaign at METALLART

All available first-aid kits and larger first-aid cabinets were collected in production, dispatch and the METALLART administration department. The first-aid kits in the company's vehicles were also added.
Martin also took the opportunity of the upcoming staff meeting and informed all assembly teams and employees throughout Germany who came to Salach on this occasion. As a result, additional first-aid material was added at short notice and employees who do not drive a company vehicle were able to bring their own car first-aid kits and support the campaign. A total of 44 car first aid kits, 8 workshop first aid kits and 3 first aid cabinets were collected.
Marco Paulus, who works as a volunteer paramedic at DRK Göppingen, collected the kits at the end of March and was delighted with the enormous quantity. "We rarely get so many first aid kits from a single collection point!"

Just three days after the pick-up in Salach, Martin received the news that the transport had reached the Ukrainian border region and that the dressing material could be handed over to the responsible local authorities.

Many thanks to Martin for this idea and his efforts! We are delighted that we were able to help support Ukraine with this campaign.

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