Company health management Health day at METALLART
After a break due to the pandemic, METALLART organized a health day together with AOK Baden-Württemberg for the second time.
Strengthening health awareness
As part of the company health promotion program, a health day was held at METALLART for the second time at the end of April 2023 together with AOK Baden-Württemberg. The aim of the event was to raise employees' health awareness. Various free health modules were offered, which were gladly taken up by the employees.
In the ergonomics consultation at the workplace, among other things, the sitting position in relation to the screen was assessed and the participants received exercise recommendations for loosening up the muscles that can be integrated into the daily work routine. For the cardio screening, electrodes were used to measure heart health and fitness levels. Here too, colleagues were given valuable tips on how to keep their hearts healthy. The back check was very popular: AOK health advisors used a mobile measuring system to determine the mobility of the spine. This can be used to detect imbalances or any weakening of the muscles. Of course, individual exercises for everyday life were also demonstrated here. Brochures with useful tips and information, e.g. on mindfulness, exercise and relaxation, were available to take away.
Hands-on activities and healthy snacks
The offer of a hands-on activity, in which gymnastic exercises and progressive muscle relaxation were carried out, was also very well received. Afterwards, colorful fruit baskets invited participants to enjoy a delicious snack.
We are very excited to see who will win the prize draw - all participants will be entered into a prize draw for an attractive fitness watch.
In order to also cover the area of "healthy eating", some employees will soon be taking part in a cooking course on the topic of "Cooking and eating according to the seasons". We already wish the participants a lot of fun!